We are looking for about 10-15 women who are interested in improving their breast health and are interested in participating in a research study that focuses on ‘before’ and ‘after’. We are seeking a wide range of women of all ages and sizes to participate in our Best Breast Health Program.

Participants will be required to come to three visits over a 3 month period of time. At the first visit, participants will first receive an overview of the program in a small group setting where the practitioners will go over questions and details. After that, each participant will receive a complete evaluation and charting of their breast tissue along with imaging.


  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must attend 3 visits to Denali Medical Clinic for evaluation and discovery
  • Must be willing to spend 10 minutes each day implementing techniques learned during consultation
  • Must not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding (or looking to get pregnant within the next few months)

In exchange for being included in our Best Breast Health program, patient understands that the before and after imaging (thermography and other photographs) is property of Denali Medical Clinic and its subsidiaries. Imaging will be used for marketing purposes (headshots will be excluded to help protect privacy). Full names will not be disclosed in marketing.

Sign Up Today!

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Note: for best (and consistent) results please pick a date that does not fall on your menstruation cycle.

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